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The Visit

Is moral above the law, or is it the other way around?

Four stories, based on real-life events, about four people from different walks of life, who find themselves in investigative prison, waiting to be released or sent to trial.

(The River) A football player, a rising star, wakes up in a hospital, without memories of last night, finding out that his friends died in a car crash and he's suspected of driving the car.

(The Loot)A mother, driving home with her baby daughter, gets stopped at customs and finds out that in her trunk there's a suitcase with the loot from the robbery.

(The Fire) A farmer is accused by his best man, of burning his storage and destroying his livelihood.

(Concrete) A family man gets into an argument on the bus to work and ends up accused of involuntary manslaughter, after a man he got into an argument with, falls off the bus.

Each of them is faced with a decision - to be set free or to be truly free!

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  • Drama, crime
  • 1
  • 16
  • 35'
  • 2023
  • Worldwide