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Hand of Justice

Blagoje Jovovic, a young cadet of a military school in Bileca, gets one of the first medals for bravery in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia during the Second World War and then he participates in a rebellion against invaders. While Blagoje was fighting against the invaders, Ante Pavelic, in just a few weeks, from a failed revolutionary becomes a leader of a newly established independent state of Croatia and he uses his position to commit a genocide against the Serbs. In Montenegro a rebellion becomes a revolution, which Blagoje can’t accept and he chooses to continue fighting against the invaders as a member of Yugoslav army in his homeland where he meets his distant cousin Jakov Jovovic. After proving their human and military qualities, two of them are assigned to join a diplomatic mission with the allies in order to prepare their landing on the Adriatic cost of Yugoslavia. At the same time, through other channels the collaborators of Ante Pavelic start building an escape route in case that the Axis powers don’t win the war. Blagoje and Jakov go first to the American command and then to British, but their mission wasn’t successful: the decision to attack Europe through Italy was made long time ago and the only thing that Blagoje and Jakov can do is to join the Allies military, which they do. They get the assignment to to chase the fleeing Nazis in Italian territory. At the moment when they headed out for Ante Pavelic, who became one of the fleeing Nazis after the crash of ISC, they were discharged, since the British are not interested in spending their resources on irrelevant Nazis, especially when they already have powerful allies like Ante Pavelic did, into whose destiny highly positioned individuals in Vatican were interested in. Yet, Blagoje and Jakov continue chasing Pavlovic throughout Italy. They get help from Michael, a British secret service member who can’t accept the decision of his commanding officers and a Jew who participates in forming of Jewish state and its secret service. Blagoje and Jakov don’t manage to capture Pavelic, who disappears with the help of Rome catholic church. As a last resource there is an Irishman who sends Blagoje and Jakov to Argentina not knowing that there’s exactly where Ante Paavelic left. Blagoje and Jakov start a new life, which was really successful. They open a small factory. Blagoje falls in love with Glada, young and pretty Argentinian. Just when all comes to the right place, Blagoje accidently comes across Pavelic and the hunt continues, this time throughout Argentina. With the help of old and new friends, Blagoje and Jakov manage to track Pavelic and on the day of ISC establishment anniversary they assassinate Pavelic: two bullets in the spine, Pavelic dies as a result of his wounds.

  • Genres
  • Action, history
  • Seasons
  • 1
  • Number of episodes
  • 6
  • Duration
  • 45`
  • Director
  • Nemanja Ćeranić
  • Distribution rights
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