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Your name will be Varvara

Exciting and striking, full of unusual twists, sad and melancholic, dramatic, melodramatic, emotional and sincere TV series Your name will be Varvara discovers what hides between the shadows of life, that is how, according to the latest findings, human life appears in a modern world. Without a classic main character and with Varvara as the first among equals, through 10 episodes this series describes destinies of few main characters who have the same goal- pursue for happiness. Through various genres, led by different perceptions of happiness, our heroes are either in a hurry to reach it, or just avoid misfortunes that want to catch them and embrace the tightly. Milena, a young girl who experienced deep suffering and seeks help and consolation from God. She can’t even ask for happiness. God agrees to help her by giving her the name Varvara so nobody could ever recognize, or hurt her again. Vladimir, Sanja and Filip are a small unhappy family. Filip is ill, Vladimir is seeking happiness with Mina. She can’t give him happiness because she doesn’t have it either. Varvara is in love with Isidor (not his real name) . He is emotional, but he is a criminal and he loves God’s daughter Varvara. He is in prison; she is in a monastery. They love each other deeply. And so on. There are many characters, many incredible true life stories. It’s a melodrama, a thriller, a Si- Fi, an absurd, a bit of horror, a bit of comedy. Is that possible? We claim it is and that it’s for the best.

  • Genres
  • Drama, thriller, comedy
  • Seasons
  • 1
  • Number of episodes
  • 10
  • Duration
  • 45’
  • Director
  • /
  • Distribution rights
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