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Uzice, the fall... Sofia (26) and Branko (35) are a couple in love waiting to get married. Sofia is a very beautiful and charming girl, a student of architecture and Branko is a successful construction investor. A part from his money and influence, Branko carries for Sofia, he seems like a perfect catch, but many in Uzice would say that Sofia is a gold digger, though the two of them started dating before Branko’s business success. Sofia finally passed the driving test and got the opportunity to drive her new car to their best men’s dinner party. Sofia is not a skillful driver and during the dinner we find out that Branko helped her pass the test. Very important people from Uzice attended the dinner party; police chief Bozidar, Branko’s best man and his wife, Zoran and Mirjana, famous doctors from Uzice, Milan, highly ranked municipality civil servant. Given that she had a lot to drink, Branko doesn’t allow Sofia to drive and he sits behind the wheel. At the same time, Slavica (65) and Dragan (70), the members of the lower society, are finishing their dinner at the grill shop. Two couples, two different social classes are about to collide. Branko hits drunk Dragan and leaves the scene. Sofia, who was at the passenger’s seat insists that they go back and call the ambulance. Branko is determined to cover up the crime. At this moment their relationship slowly starts falling apart. Branko convinces Sofia that the two of them have to continue their lives as if nothing happened. The man they hit was a local drunk that no one would miss. Sofia is trying to forget about the accident and to continue her previous life, but it’s not easy. She finds a starving kitten on the street and tries to save it. She brings it home, but Branko doesn’t want to keep it. She takes it to her mother’s place. Her mother Leposava lives in a modest house where Sofia grew up and she doesn’t have a lot in common with Sofia’s present life. She lives with Sofia’s younger brother Jovan, whom Branko helped to find a job, and his pregnant wife Dragana. Even if she wanted to come home, there wouldn’t be any room for her and as it turns out, Dragana is allergic to cats. When she got back home she realized that the cat was gone. Branko told her that he had taken it to his aunt’s place, but soon she finds out that he was lying. She slowly starts backing away from him wondering what is the man she is about to get married to capable of. Troubled by her conscious, Sofia tries to talk to Slavica, but she doesn’t want to report the crime. Sofia confesses to her mother and asks for her help. However, Branko convinces her mother that it was Sofia who was driving and killed Dragan, but refuses to face it. He didn’t want to say anything because he was protecting her. Sofia’s mother believed him. Sofia finds out that Slavica took the bribe from Branko and opened the hair parlor in the city center. Sofia goes to police to report the crime, the inspector doesn’t believe her, the police chief Bozidar appears who doesn’t want to listen to her and thinks she is lying to protect herself. Slavica testified admitting that her husband was drunk while running across the street away from the pedestrian crossing. The case is closed. Branko is furious because Sofia betrayed him. He threatens to ruin her life if she doesn’t stop talking about the case. Sofia decides to leave town, but then she changes her mind and returns to Branko. The wedding day. Sofia’s stomach signals time flow. At first sight it all looks romantic. However, Sofia realizes that the happy guests around her are also accomplices of a crime that nobody seems to remember.

  • Genres
  • Drama
  • Seasons
  • 1
  • Number of episodes
  • 4
  • Duration
  • 45`
  • Distribution rights
  • /