Balkan Tavern
- About
- Meet the cast
"Balkan Tavern" is a series based on the life of Aleksandar Vuksanović Lukas. We meet the main character, Peđa Kovač, at a point when life’s circumstances leave him with no viable options for a livelihood. Living with his parents at the age of 30 and playing keyboard in a local rock band, Peđa gets a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to leave his old ways behind and start fresh. His talent is recognized by Vanja, a music producer, who will turn Peđa Kovač into the most popular star in the region—but with moral and personal consequences. Amid the dizzying rise of his fame and career, Peđa grapples with his identity, his dreams, and the reality offering him a life that his former self can no longer keep up with.
- Genres:
- Drama
- Seasons:
- 1
- Number of episodes:
- 12
- Duration:
- 45’
- Director:
- Suzana Purković
- Production:
- Hype Production for Telekom Srbija
- Available:
- 2025
- Distribution rights:
- Worldwide