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There Will be Hell to Pay, movie

“THERE WILL BE NEW SUMMERS” is a darkly humorous comedy-drama about a petty bourgeois family who, due to circumstances, have to spend ten days trapped in their apartment pretending to be on vacation. A true event that happened in Banja Luka inspired the development of a story that in many ways serves as a fundamental paradigm of the times we live in. The first question that arises is: who are these people, and what gave them the idea to commit such an absurd act? First and foremost, viewers need to meet our main characters from the start as charming manipulators, eccentrics, and selfish mediocrities who are willing to do anything to achieve their personal goals. But is that all they are? No, of course not. As we get to know them better, we’ll see that they lead dynamic lives but, overwhelmed by their problems, ambitions and so on, they have no time for each other and rarely see one another (even though they all live in the same apartment). However, the time they spend together (over nine days) in the apartment will bring their human qualities to the surface, which have been buried for years under a pile of negative traits mostly produced by the times and the bad aspects of the social system they are a part of.

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  • Genres
  • Drama, Comedy
  • Duration
  • 100’
  • Available
  • 2025
  • Distribution rights
  • Worldwide
  • Director
  • Gvozden Đurić